
Electric generators and medical consumables donated to needy enterprises

Electric generators and medical consumables donated to needy enterprises

International Foundation «International Medical Assistance» once again handed over power generators and various medical consumables to enterprises in dire need.

And in particular:

Industrial group Ukrpolimerkonstruktsiya-Kyiv region, Baryshevka town. - Electric generator with a capacity of 200 kW.

LLC "Agromix Service" Chernihiv region, Chernihiv district with. Offspring. - Electric generator with a capacity of 140 kW.

Private agricultural company "Scientific", Lviv region, Gorodok. - Two electric generators, with a capacity of 65 and 195 kW.

Municipal non-profit enterprise "Belotserkovskaya Central District Hospital" - Medical consumables.

KNP KOR "Kyiv Regional Perinatal Center", as well as the Feofaniya Clinic. - Medical consumables.

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